Just the other day someone in my upline sent an inspiring message to our group, below is a partial excerpt from the the message:
"The three things you MUST have to be successful in YOUR business -
Desire - you have to have a burning desire. It's hard for me to explain this if you don't have it and if you do have it, you know exactly what I mean. You lay in bed at night, tingling with the excitement of what you have your hands on. For me, it gets me BACK out of bed for an hour or two in the wee hours, because I can't sleep and am excited to do things. And, because this is inspired action, when I go back to bed, I fall right to sleep and wake up rested, ready to do it again. My husband thinks I am nuts, but he appreciates the efforts!
Willingness to Work - I guess that goes along with getting up at 2am, ha! No, you don't have to, but you MUST be willing to actually work your business. Take action steps to move you forward. Nothing great comes without some effort. Check your "Willingness to Work" meter and super charge it if you need to.
Teachable Spirit - Are you truly coachable in this business? I wasn't in the early days. Boy, I am now! Do you read something in the training manual and think " I'm not doing that." OR do you neglect to get on coaching calls, or read at all? Again, check your "teachable spirit" meter, and decide to make a change if it's not registering high. Great things await you if you are willing to make the effort. "
She summed it up with the following...
"You - YOU are the one who determines what your income will be. YOU make the difference. YOU determine it for YOU, I determine it for me. Either way, it comes down to you!
Bad news - it's YOU who makes the difference. Some people don't want to take responsibility for their success and want to blame others for failures.
Good news - YOU can make the difference! It's your desire. You must go through a process to get there. Understand the process. I mentioned that on Monday's call. UNDERSTAND and accept that there is a process. You can speed up the process through your efforts. Know the process!"
So what are YOU going to do for YOUR business?
~Alethea Anderson