So you want to build a team...
Every time I welcome new team members to my team, I get private emails from people on other teams asking...
- What methods do you use?
- What's in your business kit?
- What's your SECRET?
"I use the company system! We have a fabulous training manual, training guides and so much more. Simply use the tools and your upline to help you reach your goals!"
It really is that easy!
The tools are right here, provided to everyone who joins the company. All it takes is a team leader to show you the way and time utilizing the tools to implement team growth - of course dedication and the desire to succeed have a strong impact on your success as well.
I provide these tools to my team they don't have to ask!
When someone new joins my team, they are not 'left in the dark'. They receive the training in the areas where they want to grow. I show them where to find information, and I am available for one on one phone consultations as well, and always available via email to answer questions too. I remind my team members of upcoming training calls and I provide them links to recorded calls. I have a wealth of resources too! No one is left behind on my team!
More info?
Contact me!
Alethea Anderson