So you have a twitter page, and you have tweeted your first tweet, but who is reading it?
One of the most common twitter questions is "How do I get followers?"
There are a few ways, your first step is to follow people, now, how do you choose who to follow and how many people do you choose to follow?
Some people out there follow everyone. They will add, add, add and add people. So they are following like 10,000 or 20,000 people. They do this in hopes that those 10,000 or 20,000 people will follow them back.
There is a major flaw in this.
- If you are following 10,000 people, you simply do not have enough time in the day to correspond and participate in the tweet conversations that are happening.
The point of twitter is to take part in the tweet conversations that are in your message feed. If you are there simply to harvest twitter people in hopes of them seeing your spam message, your time on twitter will be short lived because you will either
A) get kicked off of twitter from the tweet powers that be OR
B) you will find you are having zero success and leave twitter.
This is what I do, and it has worked amazingly! I only follow 50 to 60 people at a time, and I choose whom I follow carefully. I follow people that are local to me, within my zip code or a 50 mile radius. I follow public figures. I also follow people of mass interest, Network Marketing gurus, political figures, famous figures, top news stories and more. I follow people that I am
genuinely interested in like people providing valuable content to my life.
For instance these are people I have followed for months because I simply enjoy what they have to contribute:
- @yehudaberg Yehuda offers important and valuable messages that I enjoy as a positive, spiritual being.
- @joebruzzese Joe is an author of a book relating to tween and teens entering the Middle School Years. As a parent of a tween middle school er, his tips are valuable to me.
- @jenlovelady Jen is a fun Mom who really resonates with me and how I am as a Mom and a home business owner. She's the type of gal I'd love to be local friends with!
- @google As a webmaster and SEO expert, I like to stay in tune with the current www trends.
Whenever I choose a new person/thing to follow, I get new followers! How? People are always looking at people's follower list, and if you are showing there, odds are, people will see you on the list and start following you!
Now do not feel obligated to follow people just because they follow you, major twitter
faux paux. Many people follow
solely in hopes of getting the follow back. If you follow them, they stay your follower, if you don't follow-back, they bong you from their list within 24 hours.
NOTE: Be prepared to see your followers go UP and DOWN constantly, as many are playing the twitter-game of just getting followers!
I ONLY want followers who are really interested in what I have to say. If someone follows me and leaves, that's
OK by me as evidently I did not hold their interest. What is
important to me are those who chose to follow me and stay following me.
As of the date I wrote this I am hovering around 500 followers and this fluctuates between about 490 and 520 daily.
Also, I am only following 55 people and once a week I go through the list of people I am following and delete people whom are not actively tweeting. I want my 50-60 people I follow to be active on twitter like me.
I also shift people too, I'll hop on a
Verified Account Celebrity page like
@Oprah for a couple days, to see if I gain some new followers, then I'll
unfollow. Honestly, most celebrities are not that 'active' and they hide all the tweets from their followers so their pages are not that fun to watch. In many cases it is a publicist tweeting and not the celebrity
them self. The odds of getting a response or a re-tweet are slim to none! (if you choose to follow a celebrity, make sure it is a verified account as there are many posers out there!)
Finally, the
most effective way to gain new followers is to POST! The more active you are, the more people will see you, the more people will re-tweet (RT)* your posts. Your goal is to be SEEN on people's pages and in the main feeds.
Make it a point to utilize the Trending Topics key words to contribute too. BUT only contribute valuable posts to the trending topics, don't spam your ad with a Trending Topic key word!
The more you participate on twitter, the more you'll learn. Remember, no one will bite you and yes there is a learning curve.
The question is, are you ready and willing to take a
technological step towards advancing your online marketing techniques?
Alethea Anderson
Home Business Twitter Tweeter
*Re-tweet RT is when someone takes your post and shares it with everyone that follows them giving you the credit creating potential new comments and followers.