
Captured byTechnology

I often think back to times of days passed...
The messages would wait, the moments would last...
No interruption, fully immersed...
Deep concentration, deeply converse...
It used to be, if no one was home,..
You'd call later, hoping they'd pick up the phone...
In the late 80's you'd leave message on a tape...
After you called, then you'd then have to wait...
For them to get home, to hit play and listen...
It was exciting to see the light blink and glisten...
Then we used pay phones to call on the line...
Checking our messages through the grapevine...
Along came pagers, a number on the screen...
To another pay phone to see what it means...
Then alphanumeric, a 'call center text'...
To get a full message, cool, what's next?
A personal cell phone, size of a brick...
Analog numbers, they were cool as shit...
Smaller and smaller, they fit in a pocket...
Charge in the car or in a wall socket...
Itty bitty, a phone with a flip...
Careful now, don't let it slip...
In a matter of years the smart phone came to be...
The beginning of the end of a society...
I notice people everywhere I go...
Always texting, they can never be 'alone'...
Walking through the mall, eyes no longer meet...
They're all looking down, at their palms at their feet...
Thumbs racing, a message cannot wait any longer...
Society is weaker, it's not getting any stronger...
Out to eat, people on their phones...
No conversation, only mental drones...
Eyes glossy, reflecting the screen...
Human interaction, what does it mean?
Captured by technology, "let me look it up"...
The www. at our fingers, it should be a cup...
Filled with cheer, smiles and toasts...
Sharing moments, the bad and the boasts...
What scares me more, are the children...
When I was little, it was different then...
I'd go outside, feel the sun...
Play, ride a bike, go out and run...
Now they have iPads, watching cartoons...
Parents don't get that they'll be grown so soon...
The babysitter 'technology' to keep them busy...
Sometimes it just makes me feel lost and dizzy...
Show them the world, the flowers the trees...
Let them hear birds sing and the buzz of the bees...
Don't get me wrong, I love all my tech...
But I do my best to keep reality in check...
I am guilty of stopping to Google that thought...
To text home to see what needs to be bought...
Checking email, Facebook, the farm....
Seems so innocent, in reality, harm?
Shopping online, sigh, I love it too...
Look, add and pay, it's on the way to you...
I market, I Etsy, I Instagram and I Pin...
 I tumblr, I Blogger, I Google +, I linkedin...
The more 'in touch' we get, the farther we are from reality...
Despite it all, to the future I do not hold a master key...
We are evolving, at warp speed into super tech...
Hopefully we'll find balance and not create a super wreck...
Alethea Anderson © 2016

(Sorry about the spacing, Blogger is going wacky and though it's correct in the editing screen, it's coming across horribly spaced when posted...)


The Media is Dangerous

You know what is really scary in our country? The Media.

The Media is SO powerful and people, let me rephrase that, "sheeple" believe every single word of it.... I do not endorse nor deny the points of view
of the cartoonist. I simply wanted to use his illustration and
give credit where due...
I travel a lot for work, and I listen to a lot of AM radio. I flip between conservative and liberal radio, as often the two are discussing the same subjects each day, and I find it fascinating how the points of views are SO different when discussing in depth the exact same topic.

For instance, I will see a video online, watching a speech in its entirety. Then I'll hear hear a sound clip of a piece of the same speech on one station - that is then talked about in detail by the show host. Then on another station I'll hear another snippet of the same clip - leaving out some valuable information, which is then twisted by the talk show host to make it sound like a completely different situation.

It is frustrating when you hear an entire clip and are able to form your own view on the actual verbiage, then to hear 15 seconds taken totally out of context and have warped views pouring over the radio waves...

What brings me to this topic today, is that someone I know has a post going on Facebook with LOTS of conversation firing back and forth, I know the 'full story', where the snipped posted is about 10 seconds of what took place. Totally heated exchanges, and over the wrong reason... If someone sought out the entire clip, they'd know exactly what happened and why the situation ended the way it did.

It's election year folks, please RESEARCH. This is JUST the beginning of the Media intentionally causing confusion in order to sway people one direction or another. Be an educated voter, do not succumb and fall victim to the intentional misleading Media!

Please VOTE wisely in 2016...

Alethea Anderson

DIY Removing Tarnish from Silver Jewelry

Today I was looking through some jewelry I had not worn in awhile and found some *really* tarnished pieces... I decided to "Google it" as it seems everything can be found on Google these days...

I found this fantastically amazing method that WORKED! Even on the necklace chains, and in teeny tiny crevices of intricate jewelry!

Enjoy the sparkle!

Alethea Anderson


The Lotto Fantasy

Have you ever had the lotto fantasy? You know the one where you sit there and daydream 'what if I actually won?...

All the ideas swirling around your head about what you'd do with the winnings..... Would you be anonymous or go public? What would you do first? Would you plan for the future? How much would you just 'blow for fun'?

Every time one of the lotto games get really HUGE I find my self getting lost in some of these thoughts... dream home, traveling, helping others, kiddo's college PIF, lovely retirement.. *sigh* so many fun thoughts come to mind!

I found myself in this mode last night, the dh came home with 10 sets of numbers for the half a billion dollar lotto, so for a few hours we had the 'what if' talk... For a few minutes you actually can feel it and imagine it, then you feel the ' won't happen...'... I wonder if the LOA plays any part in the lotto? Is it luck, or is it those people who really, REALLY believe with their whole be-ing that they are going to WIN?

It sure would be fun, and life changing, that's for sure! There were no winners last night, now they say by Saturday it may be up to a BILLION dollars. Holy SH!T!

Will we get more tickets? I don't know... we'll see what happens!

Alethea Anderson (I wouldn't mind getting the domain MultiMillionMom lol)


The Law of Attraction in the Bible

Over the years I have found that many whom believe in the Law of Attraction (LOA) are often more "Spiritual" than they are "Religious". Meaning that they do not follow an organized religion, do not go to church, do not claim to be of a certain religious denomination.

 I'm not saying that religious persons do not believe in the LOA, just that from my personal experience it seems often they frown upon things such as "The Secret" or even the thoughts of Dr. Wayne Dyer and/or the Abraham channel from Ester and Jerry Hicks.

The reason I bring up this topic today is that  I received a religious mailing and included within was a picture of Jesus with the quote "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." St. Matthew. 21:22

I found this fascinating as The Secret and the LOA often refer to the concept of 'ask, believe, receive'....

The more I study different beliefs, the more I realize the foundations are far more similar than they are different...

Alethea Anderson


Cloud Atlas - Our Lives Are Not Our Own

I don't know if you've seen the movie "Cloud Atlas", it is a mind trip, extremely interesting, and even a bit awakening.

There is a quote from the movie that goes as follows...

"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present - and by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future."

I'll carefully touch on this as I don't want to spoil the movie should you intend to see it. But if you are one who believes in karma, and past lives, and that the soul meets up again with others in future lives - this movie really, REALLY makes you think....

Think about those whom you are (or were) connected to in this life, ponder if perhaps something in another lifetime led to the results of where you are now (or things you've been through), then explore the idea of 'what if' you are doing now in your life is impacting your future life/ves....

Things to ponder upon...

Alethea Anderson


How to be Grateful for Yucky Things, and Why

Yesterday I blogged about being grateful as gratitude holds the key to opening doors... After the post I got to thinking about how sometimes it can be really tough to be grateful for something when that something is not necessarily lovely... So I decides to share an example....

I have two Boxer dogs. They crap in the back yard. A LOT.. Sometimes I feel like I pick up ten pounds of dog turds in the yard and I'll tell them "If I had a dollar for every turd I've picked up over the years..."

There was a point in time I caught myself saying repeatedly, "why do you have to crap so much?" In turn, I noticed that the dogs were not going as frequently... The LOA created a scenario that led to 'constipation' for the dogs resulting from my energy saying they were going too much... This was kind of an awakening moment, as I realized I need to be grateful that they crap so much, because it means they are healthy, and that their systems are doing what they need to do!

I know this may be a strange lesson in gratitude and the law of attraction, however it is to show you that where the thoughts go, the energy flows... We need to be so careful where we focus our intent, our thoughts, and our energy....

So yes, the Boxer Duo are happily crapping in the back yard to their hearts content, and I am grateful that the little poop factories are running!

Alethea Anderson