Climbing the ladder to success is not 'easy'. EVER. Remember, the higher you get, the harder the wind blows. As you ascend the ladder, the stairs, the rope (whichever method of UP you choose) keep in mind that the internal battle is always present.
Until. You live and let live.
The past 10 years of my life have been an absolute whirl wind. I've had it all. Lost it all. Had it all and lost it all once again. There is no one to blame, as we each create our own lives based on our thoughts and actions. The key is to coming to a level of enlightenment to realize this fact.
Upon reaching this enlightenment the next step is to comprehend WHY. Why is one of 'those' words that often seems to have no answer...
Why ME?
Why NOW?
This is where many take two steps back after making such a HUGE progressive step forward. They are searching externally. Herein lies the problem, you see there is nothing out 'there' because the thing causing the problem(s) is in 'here'.
There is No bad luck. No mo-jo-jo-jo.
Truth be told, if your life is going in a downward spiral, look at why you are creating this downward spiral in your life.
Now this is where it may be controversial. Many will grumble, stomp on the brakes, holler 'NUH UH!" or simply say it's a load of hog wash. No one wants to believe that they actually create bad things in their own lives.
It is really hard to admit, and even harder to digest.
Who on this globe upon which we call our home wants to admit that they are the root of their own evils? Who wants to admit that their thought patterns have caused them to create their own lack?
No one. Not one single person.
UNTIL, enlightenment.
Upon the moment of connecting HOW a thought manifests, all the puzzle pieces fall into place. Even if just for a mere glimpse. Hanging on to that moment is the hard part, as this is the exact moment where the ego starts to get swallowed whole and puts up one heck of a fight. This is also where many succumb to the strength of the ego, as our egos fed by years of embedded subconscious beliefs long to stay where it is 'safe and comfortable'.
This is the internal battle that some fight for an entire life. Others reach enlightenment obtaining true abundance, happiness and prosperity. Yet the rest simply give up.
I'm getting a little DEEP here, one of my philosophical ramblings that I'm known to go on every once and awhile...
Let me wrap it up, or else I'll be typing into the wee hours of the morning. Which I should, it will help me clear my head! But for the sake of the potential reader who may squeak across this blog, I'll shorten it up a bit.
No matter how high you climb, the trick is, staying grounded. Like I noted in paragraph one, the higher you get, the harder the wind blows. There is room for us all at the top, and the ones who get to the top, are the ones who have strong roots at the bottom. They've built a foundation, and in the same breath they've let go of the past.
It's something to think about for sure... oh is it ever!
A day in the life of a work at home Mom, today this Mom is diving deep into the realm of thought. Well, I often do. Hence my other 'Universe' blog... Anywho... I'm starting to go random so remember, thoughts are indeed things. If your life is in a tangle, the only way to get out of the knots, is to figure out why you tied them in the first place...
Alethea Anderson