The Law of Attraction is a Wonderous thing, however many people get stuck on steps 2 and 3
Step 1 is simple, ASK!
Step 2 is a bit harder, ALLOW
Step 3 is the toughest as without step 2, step 3 simply will not happen and this is RECEIVE!
Here is where the confusion lay, many whom read a Law of Attraction (LOA) book such as 'The Secret' simply think that they can ASK or THINK about something and that *POOF* it will manifest in their experience.
For instance, some get the impression that they can focus on money, "I need money, let money come to me!" Yet they get gravely disappointed when they don't get money, and instead they receive a new bill or debt. They then get upset with the LOA and say it does not work!
Here is the catch. When you ASK for something, it is delivered no matter what, based upon your focus. If you ask for money, then say 'ACK I will never be able to pay my bills'. Well you are given 'not being able to pay your bills' because that is the focus of your asking. You are asking based upon lack, and not allowance.
One must be aware of how it is delivered, and even if asked for with laser driven precision!
When someone asks for money perhaps an opportunity for a new job will be presented to them. Perhaps they'll get more hours at their current job. Perhaps their neighbor will ask them to pet sit for the weekend. All of these things are the money flowing to them, BUT many do not recognize this as the money because WORK is involved in it. They brush away the opportunity, they do not recognize that they have been provided exactly what they have asked for.
The next time you ASK for something that you need, pay attention the little things, the stepping stones that will lead you to the exact thing you asked for. Simply put, if you do not allow the opportunity into your life, you are blocking the receipt of what it is you are asking for.
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Alethea AndersonAsking. Believing. Receiving.
Check out my LOA Blog "The Universe Speaks
Step 1 is simple, ASK!
Step 2 is a bit harder, ALLOW
Step 3 is the toughest as without step 2, step 3 simply will not happen and this is RECEIVE!
Here is where the confusion lay, many whom read a Law of Attraction (LOA) book such as 'The Secret' simply think that they can ASK or THINK about something and that *POOF* it will manifest in their experience.
For instance, some get the impression that they can focus on money, "I need money, let money come to me!" Yet they get gravely disappointed when they don't get money, and instead they receive a new bill or debt. They then get upset with the LOA and say it does not work!
Here is the catch. When you ASK for something, it is delivered no matter what, based upon your focus. If you ask for money, then say 'ACK I will never be able to pay my bills'. Well you are given 'not being able to pay your bills' because that is the focus of your asking. You are asking based upon lack, and not allowance.
One must be aware of how it is delivered, and even if asked for with laser driven precision!
When someone asks for money perhaps an opportunity for a new job will be presented to them. Perhaps they'll get more hours at their current job. Perhaps their neighbor will ask them to pet sit for the weekend. All of these things are the money flowing to them, BUT many do not recognize this as the money because WORK is involved in it. They brush away the opportunity, they do not recognize that they have been provided exactly what they have asked for.
The next time you ASK for something that you need, pay attention the little things, the stepping stones that will lead you to the exact thing you asked for. Simply put, if you do not allow the opportunity into your life, you are blocking the receipt of what it is you are asking for.
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Alethea AndersonAsking. Believing. Receiving.
Check out my LOA Blog "The Universe Speaks
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