
Green Eggs and SPAM >><< A SURE fire way to NOT get Leads

Unsolicited SPAM.   no, nO, NO!

There are many wonderful and powerful ways to use the internet to grow your MLM home based business.  However there are many ways to sabotage your efforts.

Here are a few instances of what really turns me OFF when it comes to MLM marketing.

Email Green Eggs and SPAM
  • Someone requests information from someone about their business, joined another company, then SPAMMED them with their NEW business.  = FAIL
  • Someone fills out a form on a website, leaves all the fields blank, but in comments SPAMMED them with their business opportunity = FAIL
  • Someone receives an email where someone happened to CC a LOT of people and they decide to REPLY ALL with their Biz opp = FAIL
Facebook Green Eggs and Spam
  • Someone posts their  biz opp on someone's wall = FAIL
  • Someone posts a comment on someone's picture with their biz opp = FAIL
  • Someone sends someone requests EVERY single day to join their OPP page = FAIL
  • Someone Private Message someone asking about their opp, then do a bait and switch = FAIL
  • Someone Private Messages someone with their opp link = FAIL
  • Someone IMs someone and pitches their opp = FAIL
Phone Green Eggs and Spam
  • Someone calls someone pretending to be interested in their opp, then they pitch theirs = FAIL
  • Someone emails someone requesting they call about their opp, then they pitch theirs = FAIL
Blog Green Eggs and Spam
  • Someone blatantly promotes their biz in a blog comment vs a comment & casual link = FAIL
Link Harvesting Green Eggs and Spam
  • Someone explores the www 'collecting' email addresses so you can send them info about their biz = FAIL
All of these methods are low down, dark and dirty.  I do not know ONE person who has success with any of these methods.  Why?  They tick people off!   Using the internet for marketing is about developing relationships, building trust, showing people who you are...

Always remember, do to others, what you'd want them to do to you, in other words, don't do to others what you'd NOT want them to do to YOU!

And to get from where you are, to where you want to be, you have got to take all the steps in between.  There are no 'short cuts'!

Alethea Anderson
I like eggs, I like ham, but no way to Green Eggs and SPAM!

1 comment:

  1. You said it all! Amen sista. I delete spammers so it doesnt get them anywhere.
