
Being Nice in your Home Business

What does Being Nice Say about YOU?

When someone says something to you,  or someone posts something on the internet and it rubs you wrong, do you fire back with a comment?
  • How do you feel after you say it?
  • How does the other person feel after you say it?
Do you sometimes take things personal, even if they are not directed to you personally?

We as representatives in the Direct Sales industry need to consider we are working among thousands of others, and each has their own mindset, each has their own opinion, each has been educated a different way, each sees things in a different light.

While we may feel their 'opinion' is wrong, it is not our place to 'set them straight' as each of us is on our own journey and who are we to question their beliefs?  Who are we to question their facts? 

For every 'fact' there is a counter claim somewhere on the internet.  For every belief there are 10 people who believe something totally different. Does mean they are wrong?  Nope.

Just like Religion and Politics, some things are best left un-debated!

So when we come across something on the internet and we are so powerfully drawn to 'correct' someone, perhaps it is best we take the higher ground and remain silent.  Remembering that we are being 'watched' all the time by potential customers, possible team members, others in our own companies and beyond.

Set and example, stand tall, shine bright!

Alethea Anderson

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