BUT they don't know how you feel. They don't know how you think. They don't know how you experience your every day of being. They don't know HOW you've experienced everything in life you've experienced. They only pick out the dark little specs of your life and that is what they choose to emphasize. They only see what they can see. They only see what they've gotten the privilege to have shared with them. They only see what OTHERS may have shown them (as accurate or inaccurate that may be).
This quote by Oscar Wilde, "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's. Their lives a mimicry. Their passions a quotation."
How POWER-FULL are these few sentences?
1. "Most people are other people." How many times have you 'been' someone else in order to be viewed a certain way or to 'fit in'. How may times have you been 'someone else' in order to attempt to avoid being judged or to try to make someone ELSE happy?
2. "Their thoughts are someone else's." Countless times other people's 'opinions' of how you should live life ringing in your ears. Echoing in your mind. Telling you over and over that you should be doing things totally different. Telling you that everything you've done has been WRONG. Highlighting your mistakes.
3. "Their lives a mimicry." ...living a 'fake' life. Other people 'see' one thing, while inside you are experiencing something totally different.
4. "Their passions a quotation." ...living someone ELSE'S passions....doing something because someone ELSE wants you to.
Sometimes you can feel trapped by opinions. You feel locked in a world that they think is the worst for you. When you try to step up, they say something to pull you back. It is damn difficult to dim those opinions but you can. The ONLY opinion that matters is YOURS. YOU life your life, dammit, ignore the opinions of others. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...
Alethea Anderson
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