In August 2004...
to be exact, when a friend of mine told me about a jar candle she received in an online Mom Swap. She kept ranting and raving about how amazing the candle was.
How it made her entire home smell amazing...
How it burned all the way across the jar from edge to edge...
How it burned clean with no black sooty mess on the rim...
Over and over I heard about the smell, the amazing smell...
Then she told me she joined this company so she could purchase candles at a discount for herself, family and friends. I poked around the website, hemmed and hawwed, then a month later I decided to join as a 'treat for me'.
I have always been an avid candle burner, a candle nut of sorts. I was one of those who'd pay top dollar for what I thought was the best in the industry. I was the one who skidded to a halt if I saw a 'candle shop'. However, I was frusterated with the black gook from burning candles. Oh the votive cups I had to simply throw away as the black just would not wash off. Yes, the wall that had to be repainted... The heater filter coated with soot. I never knew there was another way! I suffer this pain no more because I found burn cleaner candles!
This was just the beginning of an adventure! (edit December 2012) ask me what I do now!
Alethea Anderson
Lighting the path to the future...
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