
Why a Direct Sales Home Business?

"Direct Sales" An interesting term often misunderstood, some people coin it as 'pyramnid schemes' - a term loosely tossed around because of a few bad apple companies in the late 80's early 90's that had a heavy hitting marketing idea. Of course those terms do not apply to a true Direct Sales Co.

Direct Sales is an amazing venue to start your own home based business without the huge start up of creating your own company. In Direct Sales you represent a company that already does all the hard part. They make the products and print the catalogs, your 'job' is to get the product out there - and they reward you for it financially!

You may have come across other Direct Sales Companies in the past, and perhaps even tried a few. I know I had, I actually swore myself off of Direct Sales companies from bad experiences.  I finally 'got it' in 2004...

So I researched further, and realized I not only joined a company, I started my own home based business. Who would have thought it'd be so simple? Where can you do THAT? Imagine the thousands I would have had to spend if I wanted to start  my own company from the ground up?

So I launched myself towards my goals of financial freedom. With a small investment the doors of opportunity flung open.

In addition to owning my own business, I got to take advantages of home business tax advantages as well. Did you know you can write off a portion of your mortgage/rent, utilities, gas mileage or car payment, office supplies and so much more? (consult your tax advisor). The tax benefits alone are worth owning a home business, the write offs are simply astonishing. They are like a cash bonus in themselves.

So why start your own business from scratch spending thousands of dollars when you can start your own network marketing/direct sales business with the support and help of others? It's a win-win situation! Support, financial growth, great profits!

Have an ENLIGHTENED day!

Alethea Anderson

Excited every day about lighting the way!

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