
Why does 'Knocking on Wood' really seem to work?


You're chatting with friends on the topic of speeding tickets, you say "I've not gotten a ticket in 5 years!"  Then you lurch around the room seeking a wooden item and quickly knock upon it proclaiming "knock on wood"

Now why does this work?

Simple, you BELIEVE it will work!  You know in every part of your be-ing, you feel it in your soul, that if you can knock on wood, you will seal in the fact that you've not gotten a ticket and continue this streak of "luck"! 

When you 100% BELIEVE in something, when you feel it without a doubt, your vibration is so strong, that the Universal Law of Attraction simply must deliver.  It's the LAW.

This is why when people say "I get like 5 colds every winter"  they do.

This is why when people say "I never get sick" they don't.

This is why when people say "I just can't sell anything" they don't.

This is why when people say "I could sell wings to a butterfly" they do.

This is why when people say "I just know I'm going to get a ticket"  they do.

This is why when people say "I never get tickets" they don't.

This is why when people say "I can never find good parking at the mall" they don't.

This is why when people say "I always get front row parking at the mall"  they do.

This is why when people say "I always come out ahead" they do.

This is why when peole say "I'll never get ahead" they don't.

All those statements are made with 100% pure belief and confidence as well as emotional attachment.  Whether the statements are positive or negative, they are said with absolute belief in the outcome and feeling the result.  There is no wavering, no questioning. Simply 'matter-of-fact' statments.

Now can patterns be changed?  Most certainly!  I've seen people in this industry of network marketing who sponsored 15 people within a month.  Only to go flat, and sponsor no one for months.  In the midst of their sponsoring frenzy they were so positive, they were stating "wow I'm getting a new recruit every other day!" The were feeling the excitement and the goodness they were allowing to flow to them, and they believed it and the Universe kept delivering (delivering as in providing the means to sponsor and of course the person had to accept the door presented before them and do the work necessary to sponsor the team members).  But, when the next month rolled around, and a few days went by with no recruits they said "wow, I'm just not recruiting anyone..."  then they get in that rut of non-believing, their feeling sunk to one of lack, and the Universe delivers, the flow is pinched off.  I've seen the same person get one new recruit after a dry spell, igniting the flame again, feeling the feeling of the month they were sponsoring like crazy, then POOF they recruited like crazy again, only to stop believeing  once again and freezing the process.

There is a pattern to thought and the key is to be 100% aware of your thoughts as well as your emotions!   You can change anything.  The fact that you are reading this right now is no coincidence, the past has led you right here right now.  What you get out of this post, may have an effect on your tomorrow, next week or 2 years from now.  What you project, you reflect back to yourself.

Take time to place careful assignment of your thoughts, take time to be aware of your emotions and feelings, be aware of 'HOW' you think and use this to create the life you've always dreamed about.  Remember, the Universe does not *POOF* deliver to your doorstep in the means of a huge box of money arriving via UPS.  But the Universe provides you the door of opportunity, and you must take firm hold of that door knob, turn it, and walk through with 100% absolute BELIEF as well as a 100% positive emotional attachment in order to manifest your desires as well as stepping forward and taking the ACTION STEPS to make it happen.

Alethea Anderson
Opportunity Knocks