I've been involved in this industry since 1993, that is when I got my very first 'taste' a home business opportunity. But it took me over ten years to 'get it' and it was not until 2005 when the light bulb went on for me.
I joined a company in 2004, "just for fun" I proclaimed, with zero intent to run a business as I had sworn off the industry. But, a few people who knew me joined my team and I got my first little check, it was about $15 or so.
I had never gotten a residual check before, and sat looking at it pondering why I even got it! I then realized that the couple people who had joined my team had resulted in some income.
So I pondered..."what next?" Having been in the industry for just over 12 years in 2005 I just was not sure where to go and I had no confidence in reaching my dreams.
I sat down and thought...My upline Director was already making a dream income, and I thought and thought some more. How is she different than ME? Why has she soared to amazing heights? How is she earning this crazy income?
Then it hit me. She is a stay at home Mom with a home based business. She has the exact same tools as me. The exact same training materials provided from corporate. The exact same products. The exact same access to the internet. The exact same choice of picking up the phone.
So being the same, what was it that made me so different? The only difference was mindset. She had decided she was going to 'do it' no matter what. Me, I had not decided.
It comes down to 4 things, A-B-C-D, four little, yet extremely powerful words are what makes someone successful stand apart from someone not successful.
A ttitude.
B elief.
C haracter.
D etermination.
Attitude | What is your ATTITUDE toward your home business? Do you 'try' or do you 'do'? Do you speak positively about your business, or do you speak negatively? Do you focus on what you love about your business or do you focus on what others in the company may be doing wrong?
Belief | Do you believe in your product? Do you believe in the company you represent? Do you use your product and enjoy it? Do you feel the pricing is on target, or do you think your products are expensive? Most important do you believe in YOU?
Character | Overall it is YOU that will make you successful or not successful. How you present yourself to others will either boost your biz or kill your chances of success. If you present yourself in a positive, professional, upbeat manner people will be receptive to this. If you present yourself in a doldrum, dumpy, quiet manner, people will be treat you accordingly.
Determination | How determined are you? Are you going to fight for your success? Quitting should not be an option for you whatsover. If you think 'if' this works... then you are not on track. If you think "I'll try..." then you are not on track. You have to be thinking 'when this works...' You have to be thinking "I will DO this".
Success in this industry is based on your own, 110% unwavering belief in YOU. It does not matter your level of education, race, religion, or economic background. It does not matter if you live in an affluent neighborhood or in a poverty stricken neighborhood. Nothing matters but YOU.
So if you are doing well in the industry, then you have mastered your ABCDs, but if you are having trouble moving the direction you want to go, re-evaluate your ABCDs and see where you are lacking. If you are unsure, get with your upline leader for some guidance!
Alethea Anderson
ABCD is the way for ME!
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