
So tell me, WHY did you start a home based business in Direct Sales, Network Marketing or MLM?

I'm guessing you wanted to make MONEY right?

Have you made any money yet?  If so, fantastical!

Next question, have you made as much as you expected you would have at this point in time?  If so, fantastical!

Next question, are you on the path, right where you want to to be, growing your business?  If so, fantastical!

Sounds like you are on the right path, keep moving forward from where you are to where you want to be!

BUT, if you answered NO to any of the above questions we have a few things to evaluate!

You've made NO money... what steps have you taken towards earning money?  Have you chosen a date for your open house?  Have you booked any home parties?  Have you passed out catalogs?  Have you booked any events?  Have you talked to co-workers, family, friends and neighbors about your product?

If you've done none of the above, well then, you should know why you are not making  money!   If you've done 'some' of the above, well, it many not be enough.... If you've done ALL of the above, SEVERAL times, and had zero success, then it's time to get with leadership and ask for some help...

You've not made AS MUCH as you thought you would...  After you got started, did you KEEP DO-ing?  The most common reason income flatlines in home business is the lack of initiave to keep pressing forward. Often a speed bump gets in the way and instead of gently stepping on the gas to go up and over this petite hurdle, many allow this mere hiccup to stall their entire business.  

If you are experiencing a flat line in income, parties, sales, team building or any aspect of your business consult your coach and leadership team for some tips.

You've not moved down the path as FAR as you thought you would have by now...  You thought you'd have a growing team, whose teams were growing, and their teams were growing.  But you've sponsored no one, or just a couple who have came and left, or a couple who just do 'nothing'.  

It happens!  Don't let this take the wind out of your sails!  When your boat seems to be sitting still, always reach out to leadership to help fill your sails with wind once again.

This industry is not *easy* like a set-it-and-forget-it mini oven.  You DO have to take action steps in order to get from where you are to where you want to be!

Alethea Anderson
Doing What I Love

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