Going all the way back in time, we've for the most part always had a fish tank (or more) - even in our very first apartment... It seemed harmless enough; some Neons with a variety of community fish.... then it became African Cichlids, a step closer to salt water, but not all the way there...a larger, more colorful yet hearty fish that could handle brackish water - tolerating crushed coral substrate and coral decor.
There was a point when we gave salt water a go - only to slay Damsels one by one... A few salt water attempts let to yet another fresh water fish tank...
Well we had successfully remained a 'fish free' zone for a number of years, until we moved to Nevada and met a new friend who lived across the street. This friend gave my hubby a 100 gallon fish tank - and a new era consumed us.
Along with the 100 gallon fish tank, the Universe aligned us with all the right people to teach us 'how' it is done. My husband literally went a little crazy - we literally had a room full of tanks and and a fully running "Walmart Fish Center" in our garage that people were 'shopping' from. Really. One fish tank is nice, two can be okay. A room FULL, really?
It finally whittled down to one tank again, while it was a 255 gallon salt water reef aquarium, a thing of beauty, it was ONE tank.... a fully functioning, peninsula style tank that was a room divider and room centerpiece all rolled into one.
So fast forward, it was a bittersweet event to sell our 255 gallon tank and its inhabitants prior to our move to California. We were once again fish tank free for awhile, until hubby came across a free tank, which then became two fish tanks. Simple, fresh water tanks "I'm going to sell them honey" I was told time and time again.
(it has been about a year)
Leave those things alone and now there are four tanks. Two in my living room, one in my dining room and one in my family room. One fresh, three salt... "Three are going to be gone honey...." he keeps reassuring me. As I type this, the fresh is for sale on Craigslist and two of the salt tanks are being consolidated into the larger salt tank pictured below. By George I think we will really have ONE tank (yay)!

The above is a 'before' - more to come!
Alethea Anderson