...and people wonder why cosmetics are so expensive...
Due to this fact they are closing in the cosmetics departments to a 'bull pen' style where everyone must enter and leave through one small opening, and cosmetics must be purchased before they leave the area.
I have seen this design implemented at many different locations within this particular chain thus far, and the stores have been very pleased as it has decreased shrink significantly. Of all the stores I've visited, I've never seen the bull pen met with resistance, until TODAY.
It was so strange, but literally within a 10 minute span I heard about 5 customers become unglued when they were told they had to make their cosmetic purchase at that register.
As I heard it happen time and time again, I first was thinking it was grumpy customer day. Then I found a common angle and I realized what the issue was. It was the energy and the attitude of the employees in the department!
All the other stores greeted each person as they entered the department with a "hello" and a warm smile. They informed them that due to security reasons all cosmetics would need to be purchased before they left the department. This quick greeting and explanation met no resistance as people were aware right off the get go...
At this particular store the associates working in the department were talking in their native tongue in a personal conversation and did not acknowledge customers as they entered. As customers got their items and attempted to walk out, they were met with the words "you need to buy that here", no explanation or anything...
I began to see how this could be frustrating to customers and why customers might feel a little ambushed.
- I do understand that people want to make ONE purchase in a store...
- I do understand that people are STILL shopping....
- Customers do NOT realize that cosmetics are tiny, pocket-able and stolen like CRAZY.

I calmly explained "I know it is really inconvenient, but this department deals with a huge amount of theft and they are simply trying to keep that in check..."
She nodded, went about her shopping and bought her items at the register.
A second lady had a bit more of a cow, her hubby hollered over the divider that she had to buy her items before leaving. She huffed and puffed... I did not speak 'to' her but I said under my breath kind of talking to myself... "wow...of all the (stores in this chain) I've been to, this is the only store that I've seen people get mad about having to purchase at the cosmetics register..."
She did not acknowledge my comment, but got her goods and went to the register to pay without incident....
I fully believe that the energy put forth creates an energy in return.... Put out a negative vibe, get a negative vibe back... Put out a happy, understanding vibe, get that in return...
Alethea Anderson