
WHY you think you CAN'T, WHY you CAN


WHY you think you CAN'T

When we come into this world, we are curious children, nothing can stop us, we have no fear, no boundaries - other than what we are taught. Curious by nature we explore and take chances. Fearless by nature we expore further and take MORE chances. Then we are told 'no don't do that, no you can't do that, stop doing that you'll get hurt, don't climb so high you'll fall, don't touch that you'll get burned, don't eat that you'll get stick, don't - no - don't- no...." We are in essence 'programmed' to accept that we cannot do things. We naturally start thinking "I can't do that...." Some people even stop 'trying'.

The thought process

Unfortunately some people carry this with them through life. The curiosity for trying new things is gone. The fear of trying new things is in stone. They no longer have the fight, the fire to try something new. They are fearful if they try something new they will get hurt, fall or get burned....So they don't, they stay right where they are in their 9-5 job, same schedule, day in, day out.

Now is it really you 'CAN'T' or is it really you 'WON'T'

Though you may have been 'trained' to be the way you are, you CAN break OUT of this pattern of being stuck in the 'I can't' rut. Now try this. When I was little, jeez, probably into my teen years my Dad would always say something. It stuck in my head. Even though when we grow up and hear it we hate it, it does sink in. Whenever I'd say "AHH I can't do this oral report in front of the class!" - "I can't pass this test!" - "I can't 'this' or 'that'..." My Dad would stop me and say "Hey princess, replace 'can't' with 'won't' and it will change your thinking. It's true. Saying you 'can't' is basically stopping yourself from succeeding. You are inhibiting your growth, you are ceasing the flow of success to you. Using 'won't' just shows you how negative the word 'can't' really is. Every time you want to use the word 'can't' say 'won't' instead.

For instance....
  • I can't replace my income = I won't replace my income.
  • I can't have financial freedom = I won't have financial freedom.
  • I can't be home with the kids - I won't be home with the kids.
  • I can't go on vacation = I won't go on vacation.
How true it is, by saying you can't you ARE saying you won't because you WON'T let it happen!

Ease up this is WHY you CAN!
Simply change your thought process. (What?) Yes, I said change your thought process. (Whatever!) That is just the exact 'I can't' attitude I'm talking about! You shot out with 2 negatives there, now let's make those 2 negatives a positive, okay? Follow me...
Is it I CAN or I WILL?

Now let's kick it up a notch "BAM!" Change your thought process to I CAN... I CAN take chances, I CAN be curious, I CAN try something new. Good, feels great huh? Now think of something you've been saying you 'can't' do....Maybe write it down...Now write it again and say you CAN do it. Feels good? Now that's a move in the right direction. Now again change your thought process to I WILL... I WILL take chances, I WILL be curious, I WILL try something new. Your heart should be beating a little faster, feeling a flutter of excitement within. Now write it again except say you WILL. Now you are floating huh? This is because you are ALLOWING it. Affirm this message to yourself every day. "I CAN and I WILL because I ALLOW it to come to me!"
Positive Thinking

I simply cannot reiterate enough how important it is to think POSITIVE! Our negative thoughts are weaker than postive ones, so use positive thoughts to over write the negatives. It may seem far fetched, but once you 'get it' you 'get it'. It's the Law Of Attraction, it's popping up everywhere. Books, movies... Why do you keep seeing it pop up? Watch for the sign and learn about it - it will change your life!

Use Positive Thinking in every aspect of your life... can either program youself to fail "I can't/won't" or you can start re-programming your life for success "I can/will". You make the choice! If you'd like to learn more how positive thinking has helped me grow my home based biz, let's talk...

Alethea Anderson

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