
Forum 'Netiquette" do you do this?

Have you ever been tempted in the heat of a moment to head to your closest forum of online friends and vent about your business? Perhaps you are upset about a change in the company, something your downline, crossline or leader has done (or not done), possibly you tried a product that did not like, or found a typo on the corporate website. Did shipping take too long or did something look wrong, taste wrong or smell wrong? You are so irritated and flustered you simply have to unload this off your chest and you want to do it NOW!

Proceed with CAUTION!

If this moment arises in your online marketing career I share this warning; pause, think about it before you post and choose your words carefully. Re-read your message before clicking that magic button that makes the post available to anyone on that forum and potentially to anyone in cyber space if it is an open forum...
  • How could this post reflect upon you as a business professional?

  • How could this post reflect on the company you have chosen represent?
Always consider the outsider, the person who is not in your company who is lurking in the folder to investigate the products, the opportunity and potential leaders.

Will they see your name in positive threads, or will your name be attached to negative threads?

Everyone poster is entitled to an opinion, but remember that each 'lurker' and potential business prospect forms their views based upon what they read...

"avoid being negative because no one likes being around an unhappy person"

I'm always seeking positive minded individuals to work with!

Alethea Anderson