
BLAH - negative be GONE! I feel SO much better :)

WHEW what a weight LIFTED!  I tell you I had recently started a series of blogs, it was going to be based upon an exerpt from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, but it was really dragging me down.

Have you ever had that happen to you?  You start out with what you feel is a bright and inspirational idea, then the more you move forward, the darker you feel?  Just heavy, pulled down, and out of sorts?

My idea was this, I was going to feature the 30 reasons that people fail from the book.  Now the spin on this was fully positive, to shed light on the negative in hopes people may recognize some of these traits within, thus inspiring movement forward, onward and upward.

Well, I was 8 blogs in, but the more I wrote about failure, the more it pulled me down.  Though I was moving towards a positive goal, and though the book Think and Grow Rich is based upon positive mind set, the series of blogs was making me sink.  It was so strange...

I thought I had a wonderous idea for a month's worths of blogs, well, ewwww.   So, I logged in to blogger, checked 8 little boxes and wiped them out.   DELETE sometimes is the sweetest word on a computer keyboard!

Onward and upward to positive minded and inspirational posts.

Alethea Anderson
No Room for Negatives

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