Yesterday I touched upon staying grounded while climbing to the top. This got me thinking as it may sound confusing to some. i.e. how can one possibly climb 'up' if they are still 'connected' to the ground?
As the picture above depicts, a healthy vine has reached, stretched, twisted and turned its way up a ladder. Its goal was spreading its leaves, stretching towards the sun, yet still receiving its nourishment from the earth never forgetting where it came from. The plant successfully grew strong roots in the soil, yet also reached the goal of getting to the top.
You see the plant did not start climbing up the ladder, then pulled up its roots to carry itself to the top hoping to re-root itself at the top.
The plant GREW to the top.
Here is where I've modified my vision, I am no longer climbing to the top, I am GROWING to the top! You see, in terms of a human be-ing, it is more metaphorical. We of course don't have physical 'roots' as we are entirely mobile. However, we have roots in a sense of energy.
Now many do indeed grab these roots and carry them with them, with no intention of seeing where they've been while on the road to where they are going. Now I'm a firm believer of leaving the past, in the past. Yet I also believe in understanding where we came from and comprehending how our journey has gotten us right here, right now to this very moment.
There are no coincidences. You are reading this blog right now, because the moment is right. Something in this little message will resonate with you and strike a chord. Now you may read it today the day I post it. Perhaps you'll find it next year or five years from now in the midst of cyber space. The point is, you'll find it, when it applies to you in life.
I reiterate, my vision has changed. I am growing to the top, not climbing to the top. Are you coming too?
Alethea Anderson
Alethea Anderson
Mom and Visionary