Think of this, the phone rings, just as you lifted your fork to your mouth for your very first bite of dinner, and you answer.
What is the demeanor of the other person on the line? What is the tone of their voice? Are they rushed saying as much as they can reading quickly from a script? Are they spilling words out so fast because they expect you to hang up before they finish?
As they concluded their script, did they say "I'm going to start your free trial today, and your package will go out in tomorrow's mail, you'll have 30 days to review the package and return it if you change your mind. Now let me verify your address..."
When you start talking, do they get an attitude with you? Did they politely answer your questions? Are they friendly when you say you are just not interested?
How do you feel about this person? Are you angry? Can you tell they hate their job? When you end the call do think to yourself "wow I'd hate to be a telemarketer..." ?

Now, have you ever received a call from a friendly voice? A voice that you just feel comfortable listening to? You pause to sit and hear their entire spiel, and may even have a question or two. Now think of the demeanor of this person. They probably were calm and not rushed. They addressed you and treated you as a human, not a call on an auto dialer. They did not have a slam-bam-thank-you-man mentality of sneaking in the close before you could say 'no'.
How do you feel about this person? Did you feel anger? Did you think they hated their job? Did it even cross your mind that you'd hate to have that job?
Big difference huh? It's all in the attitude and the presentation of the caller.
Now when you make YOUR calls, how do people feel about YOU? What is YOUR attitude? How do you make YOUR presentation? Do you think you are a spot on sparkling perfection, yet you still have no bites?
I recommend to everyone who is not having success that they analyze their approach...
1) Where are you getting your leads? Are you paying for them? If so, are they prequalified? Are they industry specific? Are they prescreened or are they 'gathered' off the www. Are they only sold to YOU and no one else? (if you buy leads from any company, seek others who buy leads from them as well and get personal testimonials)
2) Do you market online and generate your own leads? I find this to be extremely rewarding, as the person is already expecting YOU to call them! A 'warm' lead vs a 'cold' one.
3) What is your attitude? When you set out to make your calls, are you already expecting the worst? If so, your results will be equal to your expectations.
4) What do you sound like? Confident or submissive? Upbeat and happy or low and sad? Are you prepared or are you reading? Do you speak clearly so others can understand you? Does your voice SMILE?
I have very often seen people post on social networking forums across the www when they are having problems sponsoring. One thing I've found in common with nearly all of those with low or zero success is their attitude. 99 times out of 100 the person who says "I can't get anyone to join my team" is also a "negative nellie" on the forums. They are the ones who share every negative little hiccup they've created in their business. They are the ones starting fights in the threads. They are the ones who poke a stick in a hive and you can just feel their negative energy when you read their posts. Now this is something to consider too. Often they have an "I can't" attitude as well. Like I said above, your results will be equal to your expectations!
I recommend this; if you are having a hard time sponsoring via phone (and/or sponsoring in general), have an outsider critique you. Do a faux call, have them be the lead, you make your pitch. Now find someone who will be brutally honest. Be prepared to take it with a grain of salt too. You have to be willing to hear it and not get angry with the person who is helping you, don't shoot the messenger, as they may just provide you the reality check you need!
Always, ALWAYS be in contact with someone in your upline who is having success sponsoring. They can help you with the dos and don'ts to assist you in your sponsoring efforts too. Never be afraid to ask for help!
Now remember, not everyone is going join you. Some people will say "no thanks". Some people will just hang up on you. Some people will say "I'm going to join after the call" and you'll never get ahold of them again. Some people will actually hop online and join while you are still on the phone. They key is, don't judge, treat everyone the same and keep moving forward. You will not get here, from there, without taking the steps in between.
Alethea Anderson
My Voice is Smiling