It was 1990, I was in Driver's Ed, and it was the first time I had ever been behind the wheel of a car that I was actually going to drive. I mean yes I had slid into the driver's seat in the garage dreamily pretending to drive to school, but I had never actually stepped on the gas in a running vehicle putting it into forward motion.
We were on the blacktop in the middle of the outdoor basket ball courts facing the football field where the track team was in the grass stretching for practice.
So here was me in the Driver's Seat, the school Football Coach (why could I not have had a female instructor) and 2 other driver's ed kids in the back of the powder blue Ford Escort school training car with the bright yellow sandwich board on the roof that read "STUDENT DRIVER".
I slid into the seat and buckled my seat belt, shaking like a leaf. The Football Coach says "O'Keeffe, start the car" So I turn the key only to hear a loud WAHHHHHH as the car was already running. He said "That was your first test O'Keeffe, pay attention girl!"
That sure sent my confidence soaring... He asks "have you driven ever before?" I tell him I had never and he responded with a "Dear LORD O'Keeffe!"
Again, boosting my confidence... so he says, "gas right, brake left. I have a brake too, don't make me use it" and mutters under his breath {I hate my job, they make me do this crap}
"Lightly step on the gas O'Keeffe" so I did and there was a slight 'whirr' of the engine, but no movement. He said "a little more O'Keeffe" still nothing, he said "O'Keeffe, step on the gas!" Well I did and and there it went, the car jolted forward, I had floored it for a brief moment. Which became one of those moments where time stood still in the car as I watched the entire track team stand up and exit stage left or stage right to move the hell out of the way of the zooming little powder blue Ford Escort.
The Coach had to stomp his brake... muttering a colorful collection of words, something about needing a drink...
Once the roar of laughter stopped from the rear of the car and the track team resumed their positions while pointing and laughing... Coach had me give it a go, this time in reverse. The goal was to do crazy 8s utilizing the basket ball hoop poles. Reverse, backwards... My lord I could not even drive forwards!
So, I did it, and I did great. He was really impressed! I remember him being impressed that
A) I could do that backwards so well and
B) that I was a girl (times sure have changed)
Then I had to do it forward, he lost his confidence in me! How stressful for a 17 year old... I can only imagine HIS stress too!
But, the point to my story is that I was GOING to drive, I was GOING to get my license no matter what it took. I practiced and I did get my license (first shot!) I can indeed drive fantastically forward now, and yes, I'm pretty dang impressive whipping into spots in reverse too. {grin}
I apply this principle to all areas of my life, if I want it, I'm going to work for it, and I'm going to learn, I'm going to move forward step by step, and I'm going make it happen. I believe in me no matter what others think or say because I am the creator of my experience! I will not get there from here, without taking the steps in between.
If you want it bad enough, and work hard enough, no matter how poorly you do in the beginning you can achieve anything; do your best not to run anyone over, go backwards when necessary to evaluate what is ahead, and keep moving forward never giving up on your dreams!
Alethea Anderson
Pedal to the Metal!