You know, the little 'hole in the wall'
that had the best meal you ever ate?

Then you told everyone how much you loved it?
Guess what? You have successfully done direct sales and network marketing! You had a great experience, a great meal, and simply felt the need to share it with others. In turn, the restaurant got new business. The people you told loved the restaurant, and they told their friends who told their friends and so on.
BUT... What did the restaurant give you for starting this chain reaction of new customers? Did you get a free meal? Do they send you a check every month? Nope!
Now here is how we tie this to the network marketing industry, except it is not someone else's business you are sharing. It is your very OWN business that you are passionate about and sharing with others. And in turn for sharing your business with others you DO get a check every month for your efforts!
Alethea Anderson