This is where it all began!

See this plastic, UFO looking thing? It's a Double Colander introduced by Tupperware in 1994. This is when I got my first taste of the Direct Sales industry. I bought this piece of Tupperware when I attended my first 'home party' fifteen years ago. I thought it was the coolest thing in plastic, a locking lid to hold in lettuce, or noodles, or anything...
When the distributor said during her presentation 'I have fun earning an income and get to stay home with my kids doing just 3 parties a week, let me know if you'd like to learn more!' I was a 20-something with no kidlet yet, but I was fascinated with this concept.
So when I filled out the little survey at the end of the party, I did check the box that I was interested in learning more about how to work at home. The gal called me within a couple days and I was soon in her car on my way to a Tupperware Rally.
The buzz in the room, all the excitement, people earning little trinkets of awards, keychains, diamond studded pins and the introduction of the people earning their cars. It was all so much to absorb by this full time working, college 'drop out' (I took a semester off and have yet to go back!)
When I won a mini muffin maker I was in! The distributor was at my home the next day and I paid $60 for this HUGE kit of Tupperware. (Most of which I still have and use today) I still remember the new plastic smell and the crack of the consultant handbook and the excitement within.
All I had to do now was, book a party. It never happened. I quit a couple months later...
I admit, I got caught in the moment. I did not evaluate the opportunity to see if my passion lay in burping pieces of plastic. Now don't get me wrong, I know a few 6 figure income earners in Tupperware that have cars and all sorts of fantastical stuff, it was just not my passion...
But I had gotten my feet wet, and KNEW I wanted to work at home. Tupperware was not my 'passion', but I knew there had to be SOMETHING out there that I would love to do... From that point forward I was absolutely fascinated with the industry and started absorbing everything I could!
If you'd like to find out where I ended up, please feel free to contact me...
Alethea Anderson
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