
Network Marketing | Success is a CHOICE = SOAR or FLOAT or SINK

Network Marketing | Success is a CHOICE = SOAR or FLOAT or SINK

The decision to start a home based business is the first step, however joining a company is just that, the first step.  From this point each of the millions of home business owners have a choice. They may SOAR, FLOAT or SINK.  There are no ifs, ans or buts about it.  We each CHOOSE our future and we choose and take the applicable steps towards the SOAR, FLOAT or SINK.

Which direction do YOU want to go?

SOAR |  To Soar in Network Marketing you must first decide that you are unstoppable.  This means that no matter what, you are making a choice to succeed.  Nothing will stand in your way. No one will stand in your way.  You are climbing the ladder of success, one rung at a time until your highest dreams are achieved.  Your burning desire within you is so strong that you just know you are going to make it happen no matter what.  No training, no problem.  No present sponsor, no problem.  YOU have it IN YOU to succeed so you are going to learn and earn.  These are the people in the industry that make it.  They are innovative and creative. They break the mold and do what it takes. They don't need their hands held, they want it so bad they FEEL it, they TASTE it and QUITTING is not even a faint option in their mind.

FLOAT |  Then there are the floaters.  These people are comfortable right where they are.  In the round nest of their life preserver they sit idle, content with what is, without the drive to stretch a little farther to see what it's like to SOAR.  Usually they are fearful of success.  Fearful of what success may bring.  Fearful of failure.  So they just do enough to get by and usually they are happy here.  Sometimes they ponder and dream a bit, but often never take the action steps to move from where they are to where they want to be.  So they FLOAT.  Sometimes they CHOOSE to take steps to SOAR.  Sometimes they SINK.  Sometimes they QUIT because they just don't have the passion to SOAR, yet they have a deep fear and don't want to SINK either.  The best way to neither SOAR or SINK is of course to QUIT.

SINK | Down, down, down they go dragging their fears kicking and screaming with them into the darkness of the abyss.  There is no drive here!  Not even enough to float.  These are the people who complain about everything.  The whiners, the ones who say it's too hard, too expensive, they have no time, they can't figure it out, they can't find it, they can't create it, they can't do it, can't - can't - can't...  Often those who SINK are the ones who struggle in life in general.  Can't get ahead.  Can't pay the bills.  The world is out to get them.  They are in a corner.  No one will give them a break.  One would think those who SINK would be the most determined to reach a level of FLOAT or SOAR. Sometimes they do, sometimes we hear of the person who did SINK, they were on rock bottom and sky rocketed to SOAR among the eagles.  These people find their PASSION and their FIRE within.  But, generally, and unfortunately so, those who SINK stay SUNK. Sometimes those who SINK make a shift towards FLOAT, they realize treading water is better than being under the water.  It's all about choice, choosing where you WANT to be.

What is the DIFFERENCE between those who SOAR, FLOAT and SINK?  It's not age, it's not education, it's not race, it's not religion, it's not if you live in a trailer park or a mansion, it's not if you wear pleather or Prada, it's not if you drive a lemon or a Lexus.  It's deeper than that.  Do you know what it is that creates the fine line between those who SOAR, those who FLOAT and those who SINK?


"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.
The amount of work is the same." ~Francesca Reigler

We ALL have the exact same tools in this industry.  It's your CHOICE how YOU decide to use them.  The only person who can guide you to SOAR is YOU.  The only person who will allow you to FLOAT is YOU.  The only person who will enable you to SINK is YOU.

So right now, decide, choose are you going to go sky high and SOAR?

Are you going to tread water and FLOAT?

Are you going to give in, give up, go down and SINK?

Alethea Anderson