
Ever Notice How Someone ELSE'S Mood Sometimes Changes YOUR mood?

The good news is you have 100% CONTROL over YOUR mood regardless of the moods of those around you!   One simply can not 'blame' their mood on the day, the weather, their hair or someone else.  Well they 'can' and often DO but the reality of this is, it is a CHOICE!

If you wake up and slam your foot on the corner of the dresser and say "ARGH this day is going to SUCK!"  you are going to create that reality....

If you look out the window and see the sun is hiding and say "BLAH another crappy day with no sun!"  you are going to have a crappy day...

If you have a cow lick that just won't go away and you think "GREAT, this just RUINS my day!"  you are ALLOWING 'hair' to ruin your day...

If your day is going along swimmingly, everything is perfect, you get up, get dressed, eat a healthy breakfast then get a junky email from some family member spilling all their woes about their horrible weekend and then you just feel like crap. Well, honestly, you are ALLOWING that email to create the way you feel.

In every moment we have a choice.  Let's flip the above scenarios....

Slam you foot and say "OUCH" then tell yourself it's just a moment that soon shall pass, and head to the shower with a smile!

Look out the window and see no sun, but then look at the world around you and see the birds singing, find a smile in the moment!

That pesky cow lick just won't cooperate, laugh it off, it is what it is!

A jerky email from a family member, don't absorb it!   Think about how fantastical YOUR weekend was and sent them a little note like "sorry to hear about your bum weekend, it's a new day today, start fresh and leave your weekend behind you!"

How this blog came about was I got a phone call today from someone who had that 'tone' in their voice.  You know that "I'm not happy" tone.  They were very brief on the phone, then promptly exited the call. I sat here thinking 'jeez, I wonder what is bugging them..' and I caught myself geting pulled into the lows that person projected.  I had to tell myself 'NO!'  and I went and played with my dogs for a few minutes, animals are so 'in the now' and can snap you out of a funk in a second.

I made a CHOICE to be happy!   What do YOU choose?

Alethea Anderson
Choosing HAPPY!

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