Many of us feel this way, we don't know what to do. Do we stay where we are because we are safe? Or do we walk along the wall to see if we can get past it? Do we find a ladder to try to get over the wall?
Some claim that the walls are closing in on them... Others say they can never get anywhere in life because of all the walls.

What about the glass ceiling? Do you feel you can't move UP? You are unable to get to the next level? Are you are stuck in a rut? You are simply convinced that there is no way you can climb the ladder of success?
Some say they'll never get ahead. Some say the world is out to get them. Others simply refuse to take a step in the right direction because they tell themselves they'll never be able to reach their goals.
You are not alone, but I CHALLENGE you! You see, no one is building walls around you. You are creating the illusion of walls. Sometimes we do this to 'protect' ourselves from the unknown. If we get to the other side of the wall, it is uncharted territory. We don't know 'how' to be successful. We are so used to our lives 'as they are' that instead of finding out what 'could be' we 'hide' here where it is comfy, safe and warm...

Now I want you to think about that. Why are you holding yourself right where you are? Why are you choosing to 'blame' the self-inflicted walls in your life from allowing you to move forward?
YOU are the only one with the power to grab a sledge hammer and break the wall. No one can stop you, unless you allow them to. It's your wall, it's your choice. What do YOU choose?
Now what about that glass ceiling? Do you blame your lack of success on the 'glass ceiling'? Same thing, it's not there, simply an illusion created by your mind. Anyone can achieve anything, if they believe they can. Glass ceilings are almost easier to use to close yourself in than brick walls. You can see through glass, making success seem even more real, but we are fully aware that broken glass causes cuts and blood. It's another FEAR that holds us from taking what is rightfully ours. Abundance, prosperity, and success.

Once we all realize that it is we who build our walls, we who create our glass ceilings, we who bound ourselves in chains and we who clip our own wings; then and only then will we break walls, smash ceilings, bust through chains and spread our wings...
Dreams ARE reality. Fantasies DO come true. They key is, you have to BELIEVE in YOU!
Here's a brick from your wall, now throw it at the ceiling....
Alethea Anderson a mommom who's breaking walls and shattering ceilings :)
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