I find most Jim Carrey movies to be hilarious, I remember him from the days of "Fire Marshall Bill" on the TV Show "In Living Color". The man is brilliant!
Rumor has it that Jim Carrey believes in living in the 'NOW', and according to this video, I believe this to be true. I've also heard that in his early career he wrote himself a check, some say 10, some say 20 million. According to this 'legend' this dream came true for him.
A similar story as that of the author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' who wrote himself a check and tacked it to his ceiling above his bed so it was the first thing he saw and his first thought of each day (as outlined in the movie The Secret)
Now back to my point, as I got a little side tracked. This movie moved me. Yes I laughed, but I cried. This movie connected with me on a deeper level, and I challenge anyone to say it would not do the same for them.
The basic outline of the movie without spoiling it for those who have not enjoyed it, Carl (played by Jim Carrey) was in a dark place in his life. He shut everyone out, said no to every request, and felt unsuccessful, stuck in a rut, abandoned and alone.

He then attended the conference that changed his life. This conference awakened something within. Simply by saying 'YES' he allowed so many good things into his life. Formerly dark, dreary and alone; all of a sudden things were aligning at the precise moments and everything just 'worked out'.
Now I wonder, how many of you out there say 'no' when...
- someone asks you to go to lunch...
- when a friend wants you to spend a day shopping...
- when your child's school needs volunteers for a field trip...
- I'm busy...
- I'm too tired...
- I don't have the money...
- I have to clean my house...
In the MLM industry, I hear all kinds of excuses as to why people are unable to be successful.
- I can't...
- I have no time.
- I have no money
- I have no support.
- I don't know how to...
So I ask you, are you a YES wo/man or a NO wo/man? What steps are YOU willing to take to make your dreams become reality?
Alethea Anderson
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