I'm organized, I swear...Sometimes TOO organized to the point that it oozes an illusion that I might possibly be *gasp* UNorganized ~ can you relate?
Typically I use a spiral note pad, one with college rule lines. I write each of my 'tasks' and then make a nice little 'square' check off box next to each item. As I complete the tasks, I check each little box and I feel better as more of the boxes are checked off.
Sometimes I use highlighters in a rainbow of colors to signify the importance of each task. (Thinking this somehow will encourage me to tackle certain ones before others.)
However, I often find myself adding new boxes to the end of the list as I think of more 'to do'. Then I have a full page, that looks sloppy, and I re-write the list. Since I never tend to go in order, even with my pretty highlighted squares.
For some reason I tend to tackle the smaller beasties first, as I feel if I can do 5 of the little 'easy things' before I get to the big things, I'll somehow feel more accomplished.

"Let me write that down so I don't forget..."
It's like I need a HUGE wall of sicky notes that beep and flash at me or something. You see, when you write your 'to do' list on a pad of paper, it is just to easy to close it up, and store it away. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
Well, I decided to try something new. Sticky notes. My logic on this is, 'if I put stickys all over my desk, they will drive me NUTS and this will force me to accomplish the tasks on the sticky notes so my desk will be clear once again.
I LOVE a clear and tidy desk. I have my main desk which has my lap top, a candle and a calendar and a pretty hand blown glass heart my Mom gave me. (thanks Mom, love it!)
I then have my credenza, that has my PC #2 with external speakers, the telephone and 2 pretty orb-like glass paperweights. Tidy and clear. The drawers have little organizer bins, pencil cups and hanging files. I have everything organized, even a file for my 'to do' list. (organized not anal, honestly)

So anyways, I've decided to give this a go. Now it's not the first time I've relied upon sticky notes. When I used to work full time I was called the 'Sticky Queen' (other stuff too I'm sure) as my computer monitor often was rimmed with sticky notes. I got creative and would write on the note sideways or upside down so it fit on the proper side of my computer monitor.
You know you've done it, you've had the sticky that was on your computer monitor so long that it fell off, you then taped it on there and it fell again. To the point you no longer even notice it and it has become a part of the landscape of your computer... only to realize that in 2009 you had dated the note 2006... (just an example, did not happen, really...)

So yes, I am starting new, sticky notes ON my desk. Right now I have 12. Not too bad! I have 3 on the corner as they are 'done'. One of them I just put there a moment ago, several others were 'emails reminders' that I emailed to myself that I converted to sticky notes. Quite a variety of things 'to do'. Surely I can tackle all these before bed tonite. If not, I may have nightmares of being consumed by some sort if icky sticky monster...
If this does not work, I'll consider other options. Techincally, I could have done several items on my list while writing this blog. However I found writing this blog much more fun than some of the things on my 'sticky list'. I suppose I shall blog on 'procrastination' another time. (ahem)
Alethea Anderson
"Sticky Queen" and Web Marketing Mom
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