It all started a few weeks ago when hubby surprised me with a new phone. He knows I'm often on-the-go and he also knows I'm a facebook fanatic and twitter tweeter so he got me the most fantastical gift! An htc touch pro smart phone, I was wow'd beyond wow-ness. This phone has Windows based technology and does everything my home computer can do and then some! (except it's all so friggen teeny, tiny, and cute!)
So, my hubby dear has been playing with the phone like a new toy. I hear it clicking and whirring, snapping pictures, taking videos, logging onto the internet then all of a sudden I hear...
He echoed from across the house, while watching Nascar ON the TV at the exact same time...
"Look, look, it's live broadcast!"
Cute, cute, I know, they never grow up do they? He sees toy, I see a tool. I'm like...
"Let me TWEET darn it!"
For me it's keeping up with Web 2.0 and technology, I admit the GPS is heaven sent because I can get lost in my own town sometimes. I have my home address programmed in so wherever I am, if I get lost I can click 'home' and my sexy, sultry Lola will tell me which way to go. (I've named her Lola like the talking GPS in the movie RV with Robin Williams, gotta love Robin!)
Honestly I've not used the phone for much else other than the GPS and the phone with a few facebook posts and tweets. I've been so busy since I returned from my leadership conference in Las Vegas that I've not had time to read the books (yes BOOKS) that came with the phone.
So fast forward to this Wednesday, my loving honey decided to take the phone to work to figure out how to use it. (yep, sure) Typical man, decided to leave the books at home...
"Why do I need those?"
...he says. No, he does not ask for directions when we are lost. (he will never admit getting lost either ~ good thing I have Lola now) So off to work he goes, with my phone and his phone, so he can learn how to use it (show it off to his friends, you know it) So he calls me about 5:45 right after he gets off work to say...
"This phone is confusing, I'm going to get you a different model."
I told him to do whatever he thinks is best...so off he went to Sprint. Two hours later he calls me to inform me of his pending arrival on the home front. He also says write down this number... ### #### and call it and hung up. So I do...
"Hello honey, guess what?"
OMG he got a new phone. You are KIDDING ME! I asked if he exchanged my phone, he informed me the Sprint guy said it was the very best and if I had questions I could go in and they'd teach me. I never had any questions, I just have not had time to read the bookSSSSS yet.
So yes, the new #. Hubby dear got a third phone because 3 were cheaper than 2 when we got the family plan. (So do I give phone 3 to my 10 yr old daughter? Another blog another day...)
Fast forward half hour, hubby prances in with his cute little Sprint bag, look, look at MY phone...(a different phone than mine) Enter theme music 'I'm too sexy for shirt, sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts....' sachet, sachet, turn, blah, blah, blah... while he quickly adds in that my phone had been ringing all day...
Avoiding eye contact, he digs while telling me all about his phone, the mail-in-rebate, what the Sprint guy said, etc... Then the moment of 'not-so-truth'. He fumbles, produces my phone and says...
"Honey, what is that on your screen? Did you get something on it?"
Um no, I am anal and keep everything perfect. When the phone left the side of my lap top in my home office in the morning it was in pristine, mint condition. With an aggitated grab I investigate the phone.
"You dropped it, on the street!" I accuse...
Enter long pause, a few bumbled words, him grabbing it back to look closer, mind racing with something to say I the response I get is...
Proclaimed with his ever-so-innnocent green eyes sparkling as if to say 'who me?' You see, this home based business Mom worked at a telecommunications firm from 1993 through 2000. I sold and serviced pagers (Remember beepers? Do people have those things any more?) Well from my 7 years in customer service and sales I KNOW beeper road rash when I see it. He dropped my phone, my NEW phone on the street.
He knew I had him and there was no where to retreat. At that moment I knew he was not going to that store earlier to get me an 'easier to use' model. He was going to the store hoping to cover his arse with an exchange! Yet some how the savvy sales person conned him into upgrading HIS phone!
So I huffed and puffed for a few minutes, I was quite irked that my phone was blemished. BUT I knew I could not change it. Being mad about it would do nothing but make me feel crappy so I let it go. As he sat tinkering with his new phone.
"Look honey..." followed by "Look honey..." followed by "Look honey..."
I tell you, good thing he's cute... So, fast forward a couple hours. He has his entire phone figured out already. He balanced it gingerly on the arm of the couch while we watched who got voted off American Idol. Then 'clunk'. He forgot he had it on the arm of the couch, and when he moved he knocked it onto the tile floor. I did not smile I SWEAR! Karma, that's all I have to say!
Okay, I've really got to read these mini novels on my phone so I can show hubby my phone is cooler than his!
Alethea Anderson
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