Start with your holiday goodies, how many years of wrapping rolls and bows do you have (that you'll never use?) You keep 'saving' them for next year, yet keep buying new stuff anyways... Out with it!
It's also a great time to organize your papers (tax season is coming). Gather what you need for taxes, and purge all the excess paperwork you no longer need. Magazines you already read, coupons you never used, receipts you'll never need again... File what you need and out with the rest!
How about the kitchen, what's hiding in the freezer that is well past its prime? What jars and bottles are in the fridge door that have expired and really should go? toss 'em! What old cans and boxes do you have in cabinets? Time to clear out the expired stuff... How about dishes, containers, stray lids that you just won't use again? Recycle or donate!
Bedroom... old clothes you won't wear... old clothes that does not fit... old sheets you don't use on the bed...
Bathrooms... old cosmetics you never use (but keep because how much you paid for them), they are not doing any good sitting there, out! Near empty lotions that have already been replaced, old perfumes, etc...etc... There's a time to let it go, the time is now!
Garage... how many boxes or tubs do you have, that you've not opened in years? Now is the time to determine if you really need them...

Sometimes it may be difficult to 'let go' of some things, but once you clean up, clear out, and find fresh new space that is tidy and organized, you'll feel fantastical!
Also, know that whatever you have to clean up, is not as big of a mess as NYC after NYE!
(Note, recycle or donate what you can, or even have a garage sale!)
Alethea Anderson
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