
Fork You! What To Do When You Find a Fork in the MLM Road to Success

Sometimes we're flying along the road to success, wind in our hair, smooth ride, and all of a sudden there is a huge FORK in the middle of the road...

Our confidence diminishes...  We thought we were on the right path then *POOF* another option?

Which way to go?

The high road?

The low road?

The route less traveled?

The route paved with fresh lines?

One of the most difficult decisions that may be presented to anyone in the MLM industry... Do I leave it all behind to try something new?

One side of the road may look greener, tempting you to engage stage left for lusher pastures...

How do you KNOW what is right?

Well, you have to do what 'feels' right inside....  Take your time, do your research and analyze WHY you have a desire to move.  Do you feel you'll be more successful with another company?  If so, why?  Are you struggling where you are?  If so, odds are you'll struggle where you go too.

It is the BURNING DESIRE within you, that will make you a success.  Having a company you like with products you like is surely a huge plus.  Having a sponsor you like is a plus too. But if YOU don't have the burning desire within the spirit of your be-ing, you will not be successful no matter what road you choose.

So before taking the greener grasses, before jumping ship, before changing your whole everything, stop, look, and listen to the YOU within you.  Figure out WHY you want to leave.  Talk to your sponsor.  Get some outside, insight.

Trust me!

Always remember to get from where you are, to where you want to be you have to have the burning desire to take all the steps in order to get there!

Alethea Anderson
Desiring to the 100th degree!

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