
Help! My Sponsor Seems to Have LEFT the PLANET!

Help! Help! What do I do? I'm all alone. Lost and confused...

You joined a company and now you feel alone, hey,  I've been there!

There are some sponsors who 'conquer' then POOF, gonzo.   They are out for the quick buck, get in, close the deal, and get out.  On to the next person with zero intent of actually helping them.  This is unfortunate, but, sometimes a reality.

However in most cases, someone who takes the time to sponsor really wants to grow a successful team and help their team members grow their businesses too.

But what do you do when your sponsor dissapears?

If you feel your sponsor has POOFED into outer space, what steps have you taken to reach out to your sponsor?  It is always best to give the benefit of the doubt.  Did they have a family emergency?   Did they leave a message that someone forgot to give you?  Did your spam blocker delete their message?

Then take steps to initiate contact.   Take time to email your sponsor.  Take time to call your sponsor.  Now if you've done this with no response, then you may have a reason to be a bit miffed.  BUT don't let this be the demise of your business.

Don't let this be your EXCUSE!

If you want to be successful in the company you chose, keep going upline!  Most 'back offices' show the tiers of your upline, keep climbing until you find a mentor in the business.  Sometimes a mentor is upline. Sometimes a mentor is crossline.  Sometmes a mentor is outside the company all together.

Never let an absent sponsor ruin YOUR business.  In order to get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to take the steps in between to get there.  Sometimes if the ladder is missing a few rungs, you can mainfest them with a little hard work!

Alethea Anderson
Be there or Be square...

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